[comp.sys.atari.st] ST news software / Sobozon C

dal@syntel.UUCP (Dale Schumacher) (09/16/88)

It looks like I've finally gotten a program working for posting news
directly (with UUMAIL) to a normal uucp node.  It is currently set up
for my site only (compiled in values rather than a configuration file),
but it should be generalizable.

On another subject, I recently got a beta-test copy of the Sobozon C
compiler.  It looks very nice.  As I understand it, this program will
be freeware, not shareware, and not using the obnoxious GNU license
scheme.  Under the GNU terms don't you have to make any programs
COMPILED the GNU C and/or LINKED with the GNU library available under
the GNU terms?  Sorry I got sidetracked, anyway, at least one of the
authors is on usenet, so I'll let them, Tony Andrews, Johann Ruegg,
or Joe Treat, tell you more about Sobozon C.  In a message Tony left
on my BBS, he mentioned that there were some compiler benchmarks in
this months STart magazine and Sobozon compared quite well against
the commercial compilers, rating better than all the compilers listed
in two catagories, one of which was I/O.  That makes me happy, since
they are using extended dLibs for the runtime libraries, and thus the
dLibs I/O routines are apparently pretty fast.

      Dale Schumacher                         399 Beacon Ave.
      (alias: Dalnefre')                      St. Paul, MN  55104
      ...pwcs!stag!syntel!dal                 United States of America
    "It's not reality that's important, but how you perceive things."

saj@chinet.UUCP (Stephen Jacobs) (09/17/88)

In the referenced article, Dale Schumacher referred to the GNU redistribution
conditions.  He was close, but a bit off.  In the gnu.gcc newsgroup RMS stated
that he considers the GNU 'copyleft' (essentially meaning free availability
of all source code) to apply to anything that is a 'derivative work' of
a Free Software Foundation product.  That's a technical legal term there, and
right now the best guess is that it means BISON output or anything linked
with the GNU libraries, but not anything simply compiled with gcc and
the associated tools.