kirchner@uklirb.UUCP (Reinhard Kirchner) (09/22/88)
Hello, Today I had my unpacking day, so I also got the new DISCSCAN 1.2. It unpacked, unarced without problems. Then I tried it and 1. try: wrote into screen memory appr. half a text line high some strange bits, brougth two bombs and returned to the desktop. 2. try: came up, I played a little with the menues and then wanted to quit. with Q I got several questions about saving some database or the like, I answered all with 'no' ( since I had nothing to save ) and then I got seven or eight bombs, and the machine hang up. It seems, this software is not very stable or reliable. I'll wait for comments on the net before I do another try. My equipment: 1040st, sm124-Monitor, sh204. Software: I started DISKSCAN from the Intersect-RAMdisk ( old, but reliable and convenient ) drive M:, on my Harddisk I use GEMSOFT to get enough memory for the folders. This may just be a warning to everybody to be carefull. Please do not send me mail personally, send all comments to the net so everybody gets the information. ( Another reason: we get charged DM 1,10 per KB, so we may be ruined by receiving mail ) R. Kirchner
trb@stag.UUCP ( Todd Burkey ) (09/24/88)
In article <2824@uklirb.UUCP> kirchner@uklirb.UUCP (Reinhard Kirchner) writes: > >Hello, >Today I had my unpacking day, so I also got the new DISCSCAN 1.2. > [description of bombs...] first bug report for DISKSCAN. It has never bombed for me (at least the released version hasn't). >Software: I started DISKSCAN from the Intersect-RAMdisk ( old, but reliable > and convenient ) drive M:, on my Harddisk I use GEMSOFT to get > enough memory for the folders. How much free memory do you have left over after you set up drive M and GEMSOFT starts up? DISKCAN 1.2 is quite a memory hog, since I decided to use static arrays for speed reasons (I just grabbed my structure from HDSCAN.) In any case, it shouldn't bomb, since at the only place I do any malloc's (during floppy scanning), I check to ensure that there is enough free memory. One note of warning. NEODESK (at least the first version that we bought) does something illegal, since neither HDSCAN or DISKSCAN can access the floppy from NEODESK (you will get one of those 'disk damaged' messages) and both of my programs are using normal rwabs calls (and interpreting the floppy FAT as per the specs). If I can find my old copy of the Intersect Ramdisk, I will do some testing. I use Eternal now...I quit using Intersect about two years ago due to some problems with some PPascal software I was writing (not related to this problem, though). Any one else had problems? -Todd Burkey "A member of STdNET - The ST developers Network" trb@stag.UUCP => it is free. Contact ftg!dwm@stag.UUP to join <=