[comp.sys.atari.st] Relay Conference

JJL101@PSUVM.BITNET (J.J. Lehett) (12/08/88)

     OK, well, now that we have gotten rid of some of the backlog here on some
of the nodes, and my node (Va_Tech) is back up to the rest of the world, I
would like once again to all those who responded to send me the best times
that we could set up a conference on relay.  Currently - I try to keep channel
520 going when I am on as an ST users channel, and have a met a number of
sST users this way.
     To all European and such users, please send me the best times for you,
and we will see if we can get a happy medium.
    Since Christmas break is rapidly approaching, we will probably have to
continue this over into early January, but let us hope for the best.


=                                                                     =
-   J.J. Lehett   ->   (JJL101 @ PSUVM.bitnet)                        -
=                                                                     =
-   Relay nick: Taz            Computer:  Atari ST!                   -
-                                                                     -
=   Affilliations: Penn State Univ., Zeta Psi Fraternity              =
-                                                                     -
=   Disclaimer:  "I ain't gonna take responsibility for any of        =
-                 this stuff!"                                        -
=                                                                     =