rcd@mtuxo.att.com (XG1V6-R.DUTT) (12/13/88)
Hello, everyone. 1) Does anyone know of an ST word processor that can import GDOS fonts and also support dead-keying (which is the ability to place one character above another after "backspacing", useful, for example for placing accent marks over arbitrary characters in foreign languages)? 2) I bought Flight Simulator, Test Drive and Chessmaster 2000, and none of these programs will run off my hard disk! I have heard of the Alpha Systems product Switch Back which claims to unprotect programs like these for hard disk users. Is this the only alternative? Thanks very much, and happy holidays! Rana Dutt AT&T Bell Labs, Middletown, NJ ...!att!mtuxo!rcd (201) 957-3389
rjung@sal46.usc.edu (Robert allen Jung) (12/15/88)
In article <3689@mtuxo.att.com> rcd@mtuxo.att.com (XG1V6-R.DUTT) writes: >Hello, everyone. Hello yerself. >1) Does anyone know of an ST word processor that can import GDOS fonts and > also support dead-keying (which is the ability to place one character > above another after "backspacing", useful, for example > for placing accent marks over arbitrary characters in foreign languages)? The only GDOS fonts WP out here (at this time, to the best of my knowledge) are Microsoft Write and WordUp. Neither will support dead-keying, but the GDOS fonts contain foreign letters and accents, so if you're trying to write in French, you should have no problem. (Unsolicited plug time) Now, considering that WordUp costs $80 to MWrite's $135, and that WordUp has graphics inclusion support, and it's faster than MWrite, has almost all the features of MWrite, and features true WYSIWYG... Beats me, it seems like an easy decision to me. B-) --R.J. B-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: These are my views, and mine alone. # ## # Mailing address: Beats me, just reply to this message # ## # (rjung@nunki.usc.edu?) ## ## ## #### ## ####
ignac@electro.UUCP (Ignac Kolenko) (12/15/88)
In article <3689@mtuxo.att.com> rcd@mtuxo.att.com (XG1V6-R.DUTT) writes: >1) Does anyone know of an ST word processor that can import GDOS fonts and > also support dead-keying (which is the ability to place one character > above another after "backspacing", useful, for example > for placing accent marks over arbitrary characters in foreign languages)? try microsoft word -> due to a bug in the program, sometimes when you think that the text is formatted as it appears on the screen, you will see that some words will print out with characters overlapped!!! (many a lab report was screwed up in this manner) :-) maybe its just the version of gdos.prg that i'm using will atari or microsoft ever release a bug free version of this word processor? its really not that bad, if you get rid of the bugs, and speed it up a few times!!! :-) -- Ignac A. Kolenko "Squeeze my lemon, let the juice run watmath!watcgl!electro!ignac down my leg!" - Led Zep (Lemon Song) "Ask me no further questions, I WILL NOT answer!!" - Spock (ST:TOS Amok Time)