[comp.sys.atari.st] Spectre 128 Working at last!!!

01659@AECLCR.BITNET (Greg Csullog) (01/07/89)

I finally got Spectre 128 to run HYPERCARD and EXCEL 1.5. The problem was due
to the fact that EXCEL 1.5 and HYPERCARD had been copied from their master
disks to Magic disks prior to getting Spectre 128. Once I re-copied to disks
formatted with Spectre's routines, no problem.

I had the real pleasure of speaking to Dave Small today (oh yes, and Sandy).
To me, talking to a programmer of Dave's stature is a thrill. Even though Dave
was terribly ill, he still took the time to talk me through the problems I was
having. We need more like the Smalls in the ST world.

Now I can stop posting help messages for Spectre!