[comp.sys.atari.st] I Want To Play With MIDI

totty@m.cs.uiuc.edu (01/21/89)

	I just recently obtained a Yamaha "PortaSound" electronic
	keyboard and would like to hook it up to my ST to play with
	MIDI music for a while.  But, I have a few questions:

	(1) Are MIDI cables special?  Or are they the same as other
	    5 pin round connector cables?  Hybrid Arts sells tiny
	    little cables for over $10 each.  Can I pick up a longer
	    cheaper working cable from somewhere else?
	(2) I have "The Music Studio" as a MIDI software package.  What
	    recommendations do people have for better software (realizing
	    I'm not a professional musician -- just want to play around).
	(3) Are there voice configurations for these Yamaha PortSound
	    keyboards out there?  What about sample music?


						--- Bri

   /                      Brian Totty              o o
  /__  __  o      URH 655 Sherman / 909 S. Fifth    o  
 /  / /   /           Champaign, IL 61820          \_/  "We have corn in
/__/ /   /            totty@a.cs.uiuc.edu                Massachusetts too!"