[comp.sys.atari.st] Q: How can I use Ctrl-C for my own purposes?

PKP88@DMSWWU1A.BITNET (Rainer Perske) (01/31/89)

Hello, networkers,

I am  writing a command  shell for my special  purposes and I  have run
into the following problem:

I have to  use GEMDOS I/O, because  I must be able to  stop and restart
screen output with Ctrl-S  and Ctrl-Q. But I do not  like that my shell
terminates when I press Ctrl-C. I want to use Ctrl-C to abort any shell
command  that produces  screen  output  and to  return  to the  command
prompt. There is a  vector somewhere at $0400 or $0404,  that I can use
for  this purpose.  Currently it  points  to a  single RTS  instruction
saying there is no special handling at program end.

How can I use this vector? Can  anybody please email me a short example
source? (containing: How to set  this vector? An example routine called
via this vector? How to jump from  this routine back to my own program?
How and when to reset this vector?)

Please email  to one  of my  addresses below. I'll  post a  summary, if
someone wants one.

Thank you very much

Rainer Perske

Rainer Perske                        EARN/BITNET: PERSKE@DMSWWU5P.bitnet
Institut fuer Kernphysik der         EARN/BITNET: PKP88@DMSWWU1A.bitnet
Westfaelischen Wilhelms-Universitaet                .
Wilhelm-Klemm-Strasse 9                            /|\
D-4400 Muenster                                     |
Federal Republic of Germany                       has recently changed !
Disclaimer: If not otherwise stated, all written above is my own opinion