EHARNDEN@AUVM.BITNET (Eric Harnden) (02/02/89)
Reply to: MIDI Inquiry 1) MIDI cables are straight-wired pin-to-pin, but only on three of the five pins (1,3,and 5, i think). You can make them up to fifty feet long reasonably reliably with any two-conductor-with-shield cable. 2) There is a fair amount of really good stuff out there for MIDI on the Atari... I recommend Hybrid Arts SpmteTrack for video-lockup work, C-Lab Creator for complex but accessible sequencing control, and DR. T for the ultimate in outrageousness. 3) I'm not sure, bit I don't think that the PortaSounds are programmable. If this is a continuing interest of yours, please subscribe to the discussion l ist EMUSIC-L on LISTSERV@AUVM, which I've just started up. Reply to: genlock inquiry Genlock is the name for a video connection that allows different pieces of equi pment to chase a master sync signal. In the computer context, this means that the screen trace of your monitor can be locked to the capture of external video data, or to it's generation, so frames of video can be imported, processed, an d/or exported by your computer.