[comp.sys.atari.st] Hi Soft Basic ?'s


Hello all...  I currently am using GFA Basic, but people have been
recommending that I get Hi Soft Baisc.  I would like to know how it
compares to GFA Basic in speed.  If it is an interpreter like GFA Basic
or if it is like more traditional basics with line numberss etc.  I also
would like to know if it has similar commands and powers as GFA Basic.
Would it be easy to program on Hi Soft after learning GFA (i.e.  are the
commands the same)?  Does it allow easy reading of the mouse joystick,
modem, printer, MIDI, etc.?  Does it allow easy use of the menus as in
GFA Basic?  Does it have many windowing commands and GEM calls (line A,
AES, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.

Aric Friesen

"Hypnotism; the programming language for people."
