S.Usher@ucl-cs.UUCP (02/11/89)
From: S.Usher@uk.ac.ucl.cs I got my versions off of the Lancaster Vax machine. The Vax holds much PD software as well as all the KERMIT sources for british users. All you need is a kermit program to down-load the C sources and/or the ST Basic version (for boot-strapping) and the UUencoded usable versions. I did this, but found that the ST Basic program is not compatible with the Revised ST Basic, ie the version produced by Metacomco, as they removed random access file handling without telling anyone. I did some lateral thinking and loaded the whole of the data file into screen memory whilst the program decoded it. (only trouble was trying to stop ST Basic windows overwritting the stuff). This operation is only done once as it produces the final UUDECODE program which you use to decode the other files. I don't know how to reach Lancaster Vax from outside JANet but here's the JANet address for you:- 000010401000 ID is:- pdsoft Password is:- pdsoft This contains all the Kermit sources and PD software as I said before. I hope this is helpful. Yours, Stephen Usher S.Usher@uk.ac.ucl.cs or UCACMSU@uk.ac.ucl.euclid These are JANet style addresses... reverse the uk.ac.... for elsewhere. The ST has great hardware, pitty about the firmware. The QL has great firmware, pitty about the hardware. I wish they had got together! --------------------------- Cut ----- Here ----------------------------------