JCD715T@SMSVMA.BITNET (Joel Kahn) (02/15/89)
I am working on a proposal to add to the curriculum here at Southwest Missouri State University a course in writing computer documentation. The course, as currently envisioned, would deal with both hardware and software docs, and would focus primarily on satisfying the needs of the non-technical end user. The course would be offered by the English department, but might be included in the degree programs of other departments: Computer Science, Communication, etc. In order to provide evidence for the need for this course, I'm gathering information on the attitudes of users towards the state of computer docs today. Anyone who would like to assist me can do so by answering the following questions: 1) On the usual scale of F to A, what overall grade would you give to the docs you've used over the past few years? 2) What is/are the most common, persistent, and/or destructive problem(s) you've encountered in these docs? Please send your responses directly to me, as I'm sending this poll out to several lists and I'm not a member of all of them. For some of the ones to which I do belong, I hope to do a summary of responses if volume thereof is sufficient. I would also be grateful if anyone who has direct experience with this kind of course--as teacher, student, whatever-- would give me useful advice. Disclaimer: My opinions don't reflect those of SMSU, or those of anyone else who disagrees with me . . . Joel Kahn jcd715t@smsvma