jbu@warwick.UUCP (J Mark Burton) (02/15/89)
I have been reading the articles on the problems with the mouse, I have a simular problem, But one which is definitly a software problem. I have infact put an article onto the net previously about it, but with no replies. The basic problem is alligning the plotting of the mouse icon (onto the screen) with the beam. If there is a standard way of doing this, could sombody please PLEASE tell me about it. Detailed problem:- I have a mouse interupt routine, which uses the mouse in relative mode. However, to stop the mouse cursor flashing when it's moved, I want to make sure that the mouse icon is not plotted while the beam is scanning acros it. To do this I tried waiting until the beam was at a known poition on the screen (ie by reading the video address pointer memory registers). The routine I use to do this works (I use it elsewear in the programe - I've set it up as trap #3). However when I impliment this the mouse stops working. it:- a) moves up and down ok if you go v.v.v. slowly else it only moves up. b) moves left,right if you go even slower else it moves left. In other words, unless you move increadibly small distances, the mouse tends towards the origin. Is this because the interupt routine takes to long, and the keyboard processo sends new packets wich corrucpt the first Is this because the keboard processor doesn't send any more packets, but corructs it's own varibles because of overflows. How else do I do it?????? P.S. Mail at warwick is V. dubious and often doesn't get through, could people please reply on the net (I'm sorry If this clogs the net, but I shouldn't think many people will reply!)
csusw@warwick.ac.uk (Dave Roberts) (02/15/89)
This article is being posted for a friend who seems to be having problems getting it onto the net. Please reply via me (due to the frog up in mail at the moment in Computer Science) and I will forward it onto him. Unless of course you wish to reply on the net. ============================================================================== From: jbu@opal.warwick.ac.uk (J Mark Burton) Computer Science, Warwick University, UK. I have been reading the articles on the problems with the mouse, I have a simular problem, But one which is definitly a software problem. I have infact put an article onto the net previously about it, but with no replies. The basic problem is alligning the plotting of the mouse icon (onto the screen) with the beam. If there is a standard way of doing this, could sombody please PLEASE tell me about it. Detailed problem:- I have a mouse interupt routine, which uses the mouse in relative mode. However, to stop the mouse cursor flashing when it's moved, I want to make sure that the mouse icon is not plotted while the beam is scanning acros it. To do this I tried waiting until the beam was at a known poition on the screen (ie by reading the video address pointer memory registers). The routine I use to do this works (I use it elsewear in the programe - I've set it up as trap #3). However when I impliment this the mouse stops working. it:- a) moves up and down ok if you go v.v.v. slowly else it only moves up. b) moves left,right if you go even slower else it moves left. In other words, unless you move increadibly small distances, the mouse tends towards the origin. Is this because the interupt routine takes to long, and the keyboard processo sends new packets wich corrucpt the first Is this because the keboard processor doesn't send any more packets, but corructs it's own varibles because of overflows. How else do I do it?????? Mark Burton ( jbu@uk.ac.warwick.cs ) =============================================================================== Dave Roberts, Computer Science, University of Warwick, COVENTRY, CV4 7AL, UK. ===========================PHONE: +44 203 473699============================ JANET: csusw@uk.ac.warwick.cs UUCP: ...!mcvax!ukc!warwick!csusw ARPA: csusw%cs.warwick.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk BITNET: csusw%uk.ac.warwick.cs@ukacrl ============================================================================== It's enough to make you wonder if you're on the right planet!