[comp.sys.atari.st] gif -> Spectrum-512 or .raw -> Spectrum-512 converters?

lansd@eecg.toronto.edu (Robert Lansdale) (03/16/89)

	Has anyone come up with a GIF -> Spectrum-512 or .RAW file (ray-traced
output file format) -> Spectrum-512 converter? I've seen code posted to the
net to display Spectrum pics, but no translators yet.

CSNET: lansd%eecg.toronto.edu, ARPA: lansd%eecg.toronto.edu@relay.cs.net
Electrical Engineering Computer Group, University of Toronto.

scott@gill.cs.odu.edu (Scott Yelich) (03/17/89)

>	Has anyone come up with a GIF -> Spectrum-512 or .RAW file (ray-traced
>output file format) -> Spectrum-512 converter? I've seen code posted to the
>net to display Spectrum pics, but no translators yet.

I am also currently looking for a .GIF viewer for the ST... is here such
a thing?

I also would like a program that would SAVE files in either .MAC or .IFF (.GIF)
format... picswitch loads .IFF (not .GIF) but it will only convert to ST
formats... this is nice-- but incomplete.


   Scott D. Yelich                           scott@cs.odu.edu  []