logajan@pnet51.cts.com (John Logajan) (03/25/89)
Rem GFA BASIC PROGRAM Rem Rem By John Logajan, March 1989. john@logajan.mn.org Rem Inspired by Mark Worley's April 1989 Radio-Electronics article. Rem Print "Alpha Brain-Wave Stimulator -- Via Photic Stimulation" Print Print "CAUTION: Persons susceptible to epileptic seizures should not use this!" Print Print "Beta: 14-30 Hz. Wide awake -- eyes open." Print "Alpha: 7-14 Hz. Meditating -- eyes closed." Print "Theta: 3.5-7 Hz. Problem solving, or sleep." Print "Delta: 0.5-3.5 Hz. Sleep." Print Print "To use, adjust flash rate during operation in the range desired by" Print "pressing the appropriate number key 0-9. 3.75-12 Hz available range." Print Print "Close eyes -- allow light to enter through eye-lids. This may require" Print "a darkened room or approaching the monitor more closely." Print Print "Key = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (ESC)" Print "Hz = 12.0 9.85 7.5 6.7 6.0 5.45 4.95 4.3 4.0 3.75 Stop" Print " *************** ****************************************" Print " ALPHA THETA" Print Print "-- Press any key to start flashing (at 9.85 Hz.) --" While Not Inp?(2) Wend X=Inp(2) On Break Gosub Done X%=4 Do If Inp?(2) A=Inp(2) If A=27 Gosub Done Endif X%=A-48 X%=Min(X%,9) X%=Max(X%,0) X%=X%+3 Endif Vsync Setcolor 0,0,0,0 Pause X% Vsync Setcolor 0,7,0,7 Loop Procedure Done Setcolor 0,7,7,7 End Return Rem GFA BASIC PROGRAM UUCP: {amdahl!bungia, uunet!rosevax, chinet, killer}!orbit!pnet51!logajan ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!logajan@nosc.mil INET: logajan@pnet51.cts.com
logajan@pnet51.cts.com (John Logajan) (03/27/89)
Here is an improved version of the alpha brain wave stimulator. The earlier one had some sort of subfrequency component. I went to using vsync's entirely for timing. REM GFA BASIC PROGRAM Rem Rem By John Logajan, March 1989. john@logajan.mn.org Rem Inspired by Mark Worley's April 1989 Radio-Electronics article. Rem Print "Alpha Brain-Wave Stimulator -- Via Photic Stimulation" Print Print "CAUTION: Persons susceptible to epileptic seizures should not use this!" Print Print "Beta: 14-30 Hz. Wide awake -- eyes open." Print "Alpha: 7-14 Hz. Meditating -- eyes closed." Print "Theta: 3.5-7 Hz. Problem solving, or sleep." Print "Delta: 0.5-3.5 Hz. Sleep." Print Print "To use, adjust flash rate during operation in the range desired by" Print "pressing the appropriate number key 0-9. 4.3-12 Hz available range." Print Print "Close eyes -- allow light to enter through eye-lids. This may require" Print "a darkened room or approaching the monitor more closely." Print Print "Key = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (ESC)" Print "Hz = 12.0 10.0 8.57 7.5 6.67 6.0 5.54 5.0 4.6 4.3 Stop" Print " ********************* *********************************" Print " ALPHA THETA" Print Print "-- Press any key to start flashing (at 10.0 Hz.) --" While Not Inp?(2) Wend X=Inp(2) On Break Gosub Done X%=5 Do If Inp?(2) A=Inp(2) If A=27 Gosub Done Endif A=A-48 If A>=0 And A<=9 X%=A+4 Endif Endif Vsync Setcolor 0,0,0,0 For J%=1 To X% Vsync Next J% Setcolor 0,7,0,7 Loop Procedure Done Setcolor 0,7,7,7 End Return Return UUCP: {amdahl!bungia, uunet!rosevax, chinet, killer}!orbit!pnet51!logajan ARPA: crash!orbit!pnet51!logajan@nosc.mil INET: logajan@pnet51.cts.com