SOFPJF@UOGUELPH.BITNET (Peter Jaspers-Fayer) (03/30/89)
Hi. I kinda hate seeing so many of these lately, but I promised to send this along: 2-year old Atari 1040ST in very good condition, colour monitor for sale. asking $1040 CDN (let's say ... $840 US) Of course 98% of you already know this, but for the 2%: The 1040 comes with 1MB of RAM (nonna this 640K stuff, my RAM disk is that big! ;-), and 1 720K internal floppy. The colour screen gives you the best access to games & etc, has better rez than yer average IBM, and is about $100 more than a monochrome. If interested, Mail be back, and we'll get down to the details. Dani: I've lost the addr of the KW group mailing list, can you forward the above for me please? /PJ ------------------------------- 'This system sure is user friendy!' DMSSTT062E INVALID CHARACTER ''' IN FILEID ''THIS MODULE'.