(Marcus Hungor Tran) (04/04/89)
I suggested before that Amiga is the way to go if you want to play games{ only. Well, I have had my Amiga running side by side with my atari ST for over two months, and I change my statement. For most of the same games tested, I like the ST version better. The main { reason is joystick response. Somehow, the Amiga response to my action slowlier than the ST. I use the same Ergostick on both system. The second reason is a bit strange: either the Amiga programmers are lazy or too lame to take advantage of the Amiga's higher resolutions and more colors. The games look much sharper on an ST. Although the graphics on the Amiga look smoother and usually have more details added, probably because most Amiga game disks come with at least 880k, whereas Atari is 360k (single sided). The points that made me buy the Amiga was the stereo music and digitized sound that come with almost every single game. I guess if Atari switched to 720k format disk, they will have room at least for the ditized sounds, too. And finally: I like both systems equally in despite of their flaws. I own over 100 games for the ST (not counting the REAL lousy ones) and over 30 for the Amiga. Not many you say? Well, I don't count games that I'm too ashamed to show to my friends. Yep, I made quite a few mistakes in purchasing games that come in impressive looking boxes.