[comp.sys.atari.st] ATW price

"chaz_heritage.WGC1RX"@XEROX.COM (04/06/89)

In his Fri, 31-MAR-1989 14:27 Don Petcher writes:

>The price quoted in the April issue of Computer Shopper for the ATW ($2500
inbase configuration with 4 Mb and including a 40 Mb hard disk) sounds very
good indeed!  This isn't another April fool's joke is it?<

I've been in touch with Perihelion, the British company developing the ATW.
Its manufacture is apparently being done mainly in West Germany, and,
though its availability has been announced in the UK ST press, and an
example (resembling a tower-type 386 machine) exhibited, none have yet been
seen in the shops.

I am still waiting for product data and pricing structure from Perihelion,
though they did give a price for the single T-800 processor unit of
approximately #4500 ($7650), with monitor, etc. as extras. I imagine that
this is the 4MB / 40MB configuration that Mr. Petcher mentions. I'll
summarise anything that Perihelion send me on this to the net.

Atari UK, in Slough, did not comment on the ATW, but referred me directly
to Perihelion.

