S82895@prime-a.plymouth.ac.UK ("R. A. Quadling") (04/11/89)
I again need information.
( 1 ) Where can I get back issues of INFO-ATARI16 Digest?
Here is a list of the ones I would like.
1989 : 001 to 011,023,026,041,042,044,063,096,104 to 109,115,150
( 2 ) I have seen several mentions to 'comp.binaries.atari.st'. I assume this is
some sort of file server. If so, who runs it and how do I send/receive
Any help is received with thanks.
Richard Alan Quadling |DISCLAIMER : Wot's one of them, then! Eh!
S82895@UK.AC.PLYMOUTH.PRIME-A (JANET)|Funny Anecdote : What is a President?
|Answers on a postcard to George Bush.