terrell@druhi.ATT.COM (TerrellE) (04/11/89)
Many thanks to the net people that have furnished the following addresses of editorial departments of foreign (to me) ST magazines. Does anyone have additional entries to the list? Are their on-line ST magazines abroad as there are here in the States? Thanks in advance: Eric Terrell (att!druhi!terrell) ***** Great Britain ***** Not to be confused with the newspaper "ST World" published in Roseburg, Oregon, which had the name "ST World" first, there is the British magazine: ST World Magazine Gollner Publishing Ltd First Floor 10 Theatre Lane Chichester West Sussex Great Britain PO19 1SR Atari ST User Database Publications Europa House Adlington Park Adlington Macclesfield SK10 4NP The ST Club 9 Sutton Place 49 Stoney St. Nottingham ***** Canada ***** The Canadian publication, "RESET Magazine" subtitled "The ST Almanac", gives this address: RESET Magazine Submissions 88C Jamie Avenue Nepean, Ont Canada K2E 6T6 (613) 723-0264 I think this is (was?) a pretty good rag, and was buying it, even though the name "Reset" has a negative connotation for me (I only reset my machine when something is gone wrong), But, I have not seen the thing for some while. It may have folded. ***** France ***** ST Magazine, Pressimage, 210,rue du Faubourg St Martin, 75010 Paris FRANCE, Note that this is a French language magazine. It is not 100% ST specific due to French law -- its postal rates would go up sharply were it otherwise, --- but it is 90%+ specific. ***** Sweden ***** Svenska Hemdator Nytt Box 152,448 01 Floda Sweden ***** Norway ***** ST-klubben (disk-magazin) Box 290 N-6151 0rsta Norway
silvert@cs.dal.ca (Bill Silvert) (04/12/89)
In article <4135@druhi.ATT.COM> terrell@druhi.ATT.COM (TerrellE) writes: >The Canadian publication, "RESET Magazine" subtitled >"The ST Almanac", gives this address: ... >I think this is (was?) a pretty good rag, and was buying it, >even though the name "Reset" has a negative connotation for me >(I only reset my machine when something is gone wrong), But, I >have not seen the thing for some while. It may have folded. According to my dealer, it has. Pity, it was very good. The issue on DTP was really useful, and I still use it as a reference on Publishing Partner (which I still use, since I have yet to receive a usable version of PageStream -- anybody know anything about what SoftLogik is up to nowadays?). -- Bill Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division. Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y 4A2 UUCP: ...!{uunet,utai,watmath}!dalcs!biomel!bill CDN: biomel@cs.dal.CDN BITNET: bs%dalcs@dalac.BITNET
terrell@druhi.ATT.COM (TerrellE) (04/18/89)
Here's the current "ST Magazines Around the World" list. Please send any additions to me (att!druhi!terrell). Thanks in advance, Eric Terrell --------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Germany ***** ST (68000er) Magazin Markt & Technik Verlag (US Address): Markt & Technik Publishing Inc., 501 Galveston Drive, Redwood City, CA 94063 Phone: (415) 366-3600 (German Address): Markt & Technik Verlag Hans-Pinsel-Str. 2 D-8013 Haar bei Muenchen W.-Germany Atari ST Computer Heim Verlag, Heidelberger Landstr. 194 D-6100 Darmstadt 13 W.-Germany Tel.: (+49) 6151-56057 ***** Great Britain ***** ST World Magazine Gollner Publishing Ltd First Floor 10 Theatre Lane Chichester West Sussex Great Britain PO19 1SR Atari ST User Database Publications Europa House Adlington Park Adlington Macclesfield SK10 4NP The ST Club 9 Sutton Place 49 Stoney St. Nottingham ***** Canada ***** RESET Magazine Submissions 88C Jamie Avenue Nepean, Ont Canada K2E 6T6 (613) 723-0264 ***** France ***** ST Magazine, Pressimage, 210,rue du Faubourg St Martin, 75010 Paris FRANCE, ***** Sweden ***** Svenska Hemdator Nytt Box 152,448 01 Floda Sweden ***** Norway ***** ST-klubben (disk-magazin) Box 290 N-6151 0rsta Norway
jlemon@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Jonathan Lemon) (04/19/89)
In article <4160@druhi.ATT.COM> terrell@druhi.ATT.COM (TerrellE) writes: > >Here's the current "ST Magazines Around the World" list. Please send >any additions to me (att!druhi!terrell). > Are any of these translated to English? I'd love to get a subscription to the German c't magazine, from what I've heard about it. -- Jonathan ...ucbvax!cory!jlemon or jlemon@cory.Berkeley.EDU