(Kevin D. Houser ) (04/26/89)
I need some help in putting a hard disk system together for my 1040ST. I know I'll need a drive (prefferably 40meg +), controller, adaptor and driver software. Now the big question! Can I use a standard MFM drive such as the Seagate 251, or does the drive have to be SCSI? Also, if the drive is a standard MFM (IBM useable drive) what do I need to use it on the ST. Where can I find the particular controller etc? Lastly, IF the drive is a SCSI drive, what do I need to run IT on the ST? I would rather put together my own setup because $600+ for a slow 20meg (but ready to go) system is too steep. I put a 42meg system up and running on a PC Clown for UNDER $500 |8^> Thanx for any help, Kevin Houser (919) 859-5467