S82895@PRIME-A.PLYMOUTH.AC.UK (R. A. Quadling) (04/14/89)
Chris, There is no guarantee that I am right, but the UUDECODE.BAS should be run on a file called UUD.UUE (or something similar). The .BAS file is NOT a complete working copy, just a temporary one so that you can get the proper version. This does make sense. If you run the .BAS on the .UUE (ONLY the UUDecode program), you should then have a valid UUD.TTP file. You can then UUDecode happily. I think the .BAS file only does a very simple alalgorithm which has no REAL value outside that of de-encoding the original UUD.TTP file. I hope this makes sense. As I am a bit wary of my gateway, PLEASE send a reply specifically to me saying you received this mail. (Please give the date and times when you received it and the header ,so I can give a better pathway.) Have fun. Gilbert. P.S. I think what I said is right, but others may know different. =====================++======================================================== Richard Alan Quadling|| (JANET) S82895@UK.AC.PLYMOUTH.PRIME-A 11, Fellowes Place, || (BITNET) If you can fill in the blanks for me I would Millbridge, || be very happy. Plymouth, |+======================================================== Devon, || DISCLAIMER : Anything said by me is the truth as far as England. || I know and I cannot be held responsible for any offence PL1 5NB. || this causes. If you don't like what I say, then don't Tel: (0752) 567045 || read it. =====================++========================================================
MBERNAR@ERENJ.BITNET (Marcelino Bernardo) (04/28/89)
Chris 'ST Guru' Edgington <EDGINGTON_C@WABASH>writes: >All, > Well, I finally figured out the problem I was having with UUDECODE.BAS >in st basic. It seems the program was written for a very early version of basi > >that had some bugs in it and the program did things that made up for the bugs. >I am using st basic 1987 version(i think) so it didn't need the program to mak >up for the bugs because the bugs were already gone. I decided to totally revam >the entire program and now it runs alot smoother and faster. If anyone would >like a copy of the new UUDECODE.BAS, just send me a mail message requesting it >your help. >Chris Edgington I too am having problems with trying to UUDECODE the file UUCODE.UUE with UUDECODE.BAS, both from UH-INFO@UHUPVM1. I am using a 1040stf with the "USA ST Language Disk". I get checksum warning from ARCX.TPP when I use it on the output of UUDECODE.BAS. The source has comments on it about a bug in the earlier version of ST Basic. I reads the first line of the input file twice. I have removed the extra read (line 130), but it still doesn't work right. I wonder if Chris or some kind soul out there would send me a corrected version of UUDECODE.BAS for the newer units. I was told mine has the mega roms in it. Without a manual for ST Basic, it's a little difficult to debug the program. (Note that Atari no longer includes ST Basic manual with the computer.) Thanks in advance. MarcelinoBernardo Bitnet: mbernar@erenj