[comp.sys.atari.st] Local Atari User Group - May Meetings

daroloson@watmath.waterloo.edu (Dani A. Roloson) (05/02/88)

The Kitchener-Waterloo Atari user group, Vector-GTIA,
has a separate 8-bit meeting and 16-bit meeting.
We meet monthly, have special interest groups (SIGs),
associated bulletin boards, and public domain libraries.
I am on the executive of the group
so I should be able to handle most questions or
get replies from the rest of executive.

The group welcomes new members and visitors with
8-bits, 16-bits, or those just curious.

The group currently meets at :
	DCS Course Room, Room 2009 (2nd floor)
	Math & Computer Building
	University of Waterloo

Next Meetings
      8-bit - 7:00 pm, Wed May  4, 1988
16-bit (ST) - 7:00 pm, Wed May 11, 1988 
Games Night - 7:00 pm, Fri May 27, 1988 

Hope to see you there,
	Dani Roloson

daroloson@watmath.waterloo.edu (Dani A. Roloson) (04/28/89)

The KWEST [Kitchener-Waterloo Eight Sixteen Thirty-two] Atari user group,
formerly Vector-GTIA, has a separate 8-bit meeting and 16-bit meeting.
We meet monthly, have special interest groups (SIGs),
associated bulletin boards, and public domain libraries.
I am on the executive of the group
so I should be able to handle most questions or
get replies from the rest of executive.

The group welcomes new members and visitors with
8-bits, 16-bits, or those just curious.

The group currently meets at :
	DCS Course Room, Room 2009 (2nd floor)
	Math & Computer Building
	University of Waterloo

Next Meetings
      8-bit - 7:00 pm, Wed May  3, 1989
16-bit (ST) - 7:00 pm, Wed May 10, 1989

Hope to see you there,
	Dani Roloson