[comp.sys.atari.st] JRI Info...

bbsuser@bdt.UUCP (ADAM TILGHMAN) (05/01/89)

Does anyone out there in netland know of the address (net or USnail) for 
John Russel Innovations?  I have heard that the showed a 16mhz board & 4096C board, and I am interested in getting both of them asap. =:)

"Darn it!  My mother _told_ me never to leave the cat in the blender for
      so long, but _no_, would I listen?"  -  Anon.

Adam g. Tilghman

cs163afu@sdcc10.ucsd.EDU (Some call me...Tim) (05/02/89)

JRI isn't accepting orders for single units of the 4096 color
boards--you have to order from a dealer.  I have the address, but
all you can do (unless you want to order 10 boards--that's the
minimum order) is give it to your dealer.

   I did some of the software for the color board: it is VERY
nice.  I have the alpha version of an IFF->Spectrum converter that
will allow the ST to show <ALL> 4096 colors AT ONCE.  I will make
this available as soon as it's presentable--it's displaying the
colors now, but I need to use a better algorithm for picking the
colors.  No more than a few weeks--only reason it's not done is I
have classes that have been taking up my time.

However, due to limitations in the hardware and in the nature of
Spectrum, you can only display 48 colors per line.

The address for JRI is:

	John Russel Innovations
	P.O. Box 5277
        Pittsburg, CA  94565

Give this to your local dealer if you want a color board or JATO
(16Mhz) board.  Also, the phone # for JRI is (415)458-9577.  Don't
call it just to ask questions--I can answer most questions, so if
you have any, just mail me.  If I don't know the answer, I know
who to ask.

Remember:  Give the address and phone # to a dealer if you want a
JRI product they don't offer. 

Tim Mensch				| Who needs a Ramdisk anyway?
Internet: tmensch@ucsd.edu		|   Just get a hard disk!

bmcgough@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (05/03/89)

see respone2 back 2-3 notes