[comp.sys.atari.st] The ST keyboard

Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET (Z4648252) (04/27/89)

In article <866@sactoh0.UUCP> mfolivo@sactoh0.UUCP (Mark F. Olivo) writes:
>Key caps too big? No. Fingers to clumsy, maybe. What does he want,
>smaller keys? The size of the key do not present a problem to most
>people. And the rhomboid funcion keys? KEEP 'EM!

    I'm not a fan of the ST keyboard either but not for the reasons
of the key top sizes.  I'm a speed typist and can easily hit 70 wpm
(when I'm really awake!) on the Mega keyboard.
    I really dislike the function key shape.  I hate to see the style
boys getting priority over function.  I also wish that we had some
sort of CAPS LOCK indicator.  Gee, seems I voiced all of this during
the summer of 1985, when I first bought an ST.  GRIN, y'all.
    Now I'm not flaming here because I think the ST is the greatest
thing since sliced garlic bread, but the keyboard has been a gnawing
sore point for me.

Larry Rymal <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET>

john@stag.UUCP (John Stanley) (04/30/89)

[Larry Rymal <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET> writes...]

> I really dislike the function key shape.  I hate to see the style
> boys getting priority over function.

  I agree!  The artsy function keys are a real pain.

> I also wish that we had some sort of CAPS LOCK indicator.  Gee,
> seems I voiced all of this during the summer of 1985, when I first
> bought an ST.

  Larry, drop me a note if you'd like an on-screen capslock indicator.

  My program (JCLOCK8b) is an am/pm style resident corner-clock.  The am
or pm changes to AM or PM when the capslock is activated.  I find this to
be a useful and functional capslock indicator.  The program has a number
of other nice features like: will run in -any- program (tos, ttp, or gem),
can be switched on/off with a special hotkey that doesn't conflict with
anything I've seen, and doesn't have any of the psudo multi-tasking or
keyboard problems that some clock programs have.

  The only major failing it has is that it displays only in the resolution
you are using when you boot it.  This means that if you're using a color
monitor and switch resolutions it doesn't display correctly (but you can
easily turn it off)...  (I do plan on fixing this sometime "soon", but I'm
not sure how soon I'll be able to make time for it...)

  Anyway, drop me a note if you'd like a copy.

	... John STanley

John Stanley <dynasoft!john@stag.UUCP>
Software Consultant / Dynasoft Systems

rlee@duchamps.ADS.COM (Richard Lee) (05/05/89)

In article <0329891714220716@dynasoft.UUCP> dynasoft!john@stag.UUCP (John Stanley) writes:
|[Larry Rymal <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET> writes...]
|> I also wish that we had some sort of CAPS LOCK indicator.
|  Larry, drop me a note if you'd like an on-screen capslock indicator.
|  My program (JCLOCK8b) is an am/pm style resident corner-clock.  The am
|or pm changes to AM or PM when the capslock is activated.  I find this to
|be a useful and functional capslock indicator.
|  [Description of features/bugs deleted...]

How about posting it?  It sounds like something I'd like to have, and I
imagine others would as well.