[comp.sys.atari.st] Setting disk drive seek rate to 2ms

sajima@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Takahiro Sajima) (04/28/89)

I'm posting for a friend, please reply to him at
Does anyone out there in Netland know how I can set my drive seek rate
to 2ms and turn the write verify off?  I used to use a program called
Schizo (1.3) to do this, but I would rather have a few lines of code in
my AUTO folder take care of it so I can save the 20K of memory.  This
will also help out a friend of mine who reports that Shizo.acc does not
work with the version of TOS 1.4 that was supplied in his developer's
kit.  (Well, it works except for the seek rate changer).  Also, is this
worth my time/energy?  Friends have informed me that changing the seek
rate to 2ms will speed up disk I/O.  Is this true?  Any information
would be greatly appreciated.  If you want to reply to me directly, I
am:  cmm1@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu.  This message is being forwarded for
me so please don't reply to the account it came from.  Thanks in

Chris (just when you thought you were smarter than the machine) Mauritz

schmidt@fbihh.UUCP (Jens Schmidt) (05/05/89)

In article <1454@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu>, sajima@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu (Takahiro Sajima) writes:
> Does anyone out there in Netland know how I can set my drive seek rate
> to 2ms and turn the write verify off?  I used to use a program called
> Schizo (1.3) ... does not work with TOS 1.4 ...
For write verification off, see the system variables in the dev. docs. For the
steprate, I found a new XBIOS function no. 41 in TOS 1.4 that Atari never
documented (at least I never saw anything in the release notes 8-).

C use:
#define Steprate(drive,rate)  XBIOS(41,drive,rate)

Pascal use:
FUNCTION steprate (drive, rate: INTEGER): INTEGER; XBIOS (41);

All parameters are 16 bits, drive is either 0 or 1 for drive A: or B:, rate
is 0 (6ms), 1 (12ms), 2 (2ms), or 3 (3ms). The returned value is the previous
setting. Like all over XBIOS, -1 for drive just returns the old value without
changing anything.

A warning to all: verification is not there for itself, even high quality
disks sometimes fail! I'd switch it off only for disks so worthless that I
don't bother to use them. Using 2ms with drives that can't handle that causes
a SLOWDOWN because of retries.