[comp.sys.atari.st] KERMIT ON UNITERM2.0E

MAXG@SUVM.BITNET (Gerry Greenberg) (05/06/89)

Well, I have received some replies to my earlier posting of problems I'm
having with trying to tranfer files using Kermit on Uniterm2.0e.  I
guess it will help someone with suggestions if I specify what is going
on a little better.  First of all my settings are: 1200   xon/xoff
even parity   7 data bits  1 stop bit  full.  Terminal 1: vt102   Appli
ANSI set   7 bits  Delete  Jump  Cr-Cr  None  Light  Blink   Block
Indicator.  File transfer:


(up arrow)
IBM mode is off
Incomplete Keep
Error Chk 1

When I try to transfer a file, here is what happens:  my SD and RD LEDs
go back and forth very quickly, the packet number counts up to 11 very
quickly, no Kbytes are transfered, and I get the error "too many
retries".  In the last error line there appears Rep pac.
My mainframe is an IBM, so I tried the IBM mode on, and almost nothing
happens...I see no activity in the LEDs on the modem, and no packets are

I hope that all this information will give someone a clue as to what is
going on and what I need to do to correct this situation.  To those of
you who have already contacted me, I thank you for your interest, and
hope you don't mind that I didn't reply to you directly with this
message...I just thought  that the more people who see it -- the better.
Nothing that has been suggested has done anything for me yet.

Well, there it is...anyone who has any ideas can send them to me
directly or post them on the net.  Any help will be greatly appreciated,
as always.  Thanks!!

MAXG@SUVM.BITNET (Gerry Greenberg) (05/06/89)

Well, thanks again to all who answered my plea...James came up with the
correct solution...I changed the "flow" setting from xon/xoff to none,
and everything went just perfectly!  Another problem solved by