[comp.sys.atari.st] Gnu C, C++, etc.

rossj@cognos.UUCP (Ross Judson) (05/19/89)

Being rather new to the net, I expect this subject may have been flogged to
death without my knowing it; in any case, I proceed.

Does anyone have experience porting the GNU tools, such as C, C++, and Bison
to the ST?  How about doing it under Minix?  What the heck is Minix anyway,
besides a UX OS for Atari and others?

My system is a 1040 with colour/mono, and (in about a week) 60M HD.  The
hard drive is the reason I am interested in a "real" os and tools.  Besides,
I'm thinking honours project, and C++ looks awfully appealing.  Please email
any info you think might to be useful to me.  If all this nonsense has
already been done, maybe somebody can tell me where I can get it (I'm not
into re-inventing the wheel for the fun of it).  I can post a summary to the
net so that roughly brown belt people like myself can learn from those
honourable masters who go before us.  (I like the Karate metaphor).  Thanks! 

uucp          - uunet!mitel!sce!cognos!rossj     (Ross Judson)
arpa/internet - rossj%cognos.uucp@uunet.uu.net