Hi again, I'm sorry to bring up an old subject, ( I saw discussion about this last year sometime ), but the last message I sent in seemed to have got lost on the way. I was wondering about whether or not an IBM PS/2 monochrome-monitor has been made to work in mono mode on the ST by anyone. By looking at the spec, it seems to be capable of handling the frequencies etc. but the connections aren't as easy as it would first seem. I have tried it, connecting monitor pins to the ST outputs but I got a really wierd display. If anyone knows how to do this/knows anybody who has done this/has any ideas on how it could be done please let me know. I'm not afraid to use a soldering iron, so if there is any circuit-building to be done or any other leads to be made I will be able to do it. If I get any info and if anybody else would like to know, I will send the info in to the net or to people individually. Many thanks, Mike Higgs School of Computing, JANET : higgs_m@uk.ac.lancsp.p1 Lancashire Polytechnic, EARN : higgs_m@p1.lancsp.ac.uk Preston, U.K. PR1 2TQ.