[comp.sys.atari.st] wordperfect suggestions...

TK0GRM1@NIU.BITNET (Gordon Meyer) (05/24/89)

Greg Csullog has offered some suggestions for future versions of
WordPerfect ST.  I suggest that sending these directly to WP Corp
would be more effective then assuming they will somehow see a copy.

But...onwards...   Your first suggestion, letting the user have
a FSEL (Atari, UISII or whatever) *has* been implemented in the
coming revision.  *poof* you're wish is granted.

I have a hard time taking your second and third suggestions
seriously.  Do you *really* want to be able to turn off all
of the fkey functions "in order to prevent new users from
damaging documents"?! Hmmm.  It would be much easier to boot up
Word Writer if you want a crippled word processor. What about those
new users that *accidently* turn on your "idiot lock" and then
complain because none of the functions work?  'twould be even
more confusing.  Besides, any thing you do to your document can
be undone by hitting UNDO.  This works thru multiple levels so you
can take back a whole series of mistakes.  Please don't ask them
to reduce WP/ST to the lowest common denomitor...let such folks
buy a less powerful program if they only need it on occassion.

As for the third suggestion, I would cringe at seeing a graphic
fkey (ala word writer) representation on-screen. There are over
40 fkey functions!  Imagine what a confusing cluttered mess that
could be...especially crammed into the bottom rows as you
seem to suggest.  Yuck!  Of course this is my opinion...I'm
entitled to it just as you are entitled to yours.

I can't comment on your criticisms of adding new printer drivers.
I'm not sure that I understand what you are talking about.  Sounds
like a good idea as far as I understand it though.

Sounds to me like you'd be happier with something like
First Word Plus or Word Writer.  I'm glad to see some dialog
(heh) on this subject..so thanks for posting your message!
| Gordon R. Meyer, Northern Illinois University, Dept of Sociology |
| GEnie: GRMEYER, CIS: 72307,1502, Phone: (815) 753-0555           |
| Bitnet: Tee-Kay-Zero-Gee-Are-Em-One AT Enn-Eye-You.bitnet        |
| "Resist much, obey little" - Edward Abbey   1928 - 1989          |
| "Sometimes being right is not enough..." - Abbie Hoffman         |
|                                             1936 - 1989          |
| Disclaimer?    Grad students don't need 'em!                     |