[comp.sys.atari.st] NEC P2200


This may be old news, but since I haven't seen the issue here for several
months, I'll (re)start it. If you have a NEC P2200 printer connected to
your ST *without* modification,


The P2200 has 1k pull-up resistor on the Centronics port. This may eventually
kill the sound chip in the ST. (1k pull-ups may cause up to 5mA of sink
current, whereas the sound chip can only handle 1.6 mA.)

I hacked a little buffering box into my printer cable to prevent the blow.
It requires no external power (the P2200 supplies it) and works just fine for
several monthr

several months now. If you netl
anders are interested, I can post more details.

Roger Hunen
University of Limburg
Dept. of Computer Science
The Netherlands

My opinions are my own, the consequences are entirely yours.