[comp.sys.atari.st] Re : Names for ST's

zmacv91@doc.ic.ac.uk (K D Rigotti) (06/14/89)

   Thanks to all those who have replied to my request for names, I have yet to
receive any *really* interesting ones but most are reasonable - where are the
Stavros Doppleganger III 's . When I get a decent size batch together I shall
post those that have been mailed direct to me and those posted here as a
simple list of names ( no blurb ). I'm leaving college for the summer at the
end of this week so if some kind soul could save any names that pop up over
the summer and mail them to me in October I should be eternally grateful.
   Remember sillyness is the spice of life ( not to mention the saving of many
a man's sanity) so don't be embarrassed about sending names in.
   Bye for now, have a good summer folks.


|  Kevin Rigotti   | Mistakes are like rhubarb, if you cover them in   |
|      DOC         | bullshit and put them in the dark they grow twice |
| Imperial College | as big.                                           |
| JANET : zmacv91@doc.ic.ac.uk                                         |

sleeve@watcsc.waterloo.edu (Stephen F. White) (06/17/89)

 * "Rock & Roll vegetable, vegetable stew!"  *    Stephen F. White, esq.   * 
 *                          - Jazz Butcher   *      sleeve@watcsc.uucp     * 