[comp.sys.atari.st] info-atari demise

ravi@mcnc.org (Ravi Subrahmanyan) (07/06/89)


			The Demise of Info-atari


	As you may know, articles currently posted to comp.sys.atari.st
and comp.sys.atari.8bit are mailed in digest form to subscribers who do
not have access to regular news, and to sites on BITNET and in Europe.
This distribution is now in jeopardy.

	Presently, digests are created by Bill Westfield on
"score.stanford.edu", and mailed out using a distribution list
maintained by me at my site.  However, the machine "score" will be
decommissioned at the end of August.  We therefore need to find another
site which is willing to accept the job.  I can't move the
redistribution to my present site, because I will soon be leaving this
job, and will not have direct access to the internet at my new job.

	I will be able to maintain the list from this site until score
goes away in August.  But in order to keep operating after that, we
desperately need the following:

	(a) a new Unix site (preferably with direct access to the
	    internet) which can furnish us an account from which
	    to create and distribute digests, and

	(b) volunteers who are willing to help with the digest
	    creation and mailing list maintenance.

(a) is by far the most urgent need, since we MUST get settled on
another machine by the time score goes away, if we are to continue the
mailing list.  For some time after the end of August, I will use
PC-Pursuit to get to my account here and maintain the list, but in the
long term, we really need people with direct access to the net.
But I can only do that if we do get a site.

So, if you can help in any way, either by offering an account on a
host for digest creation, or by volunteering to help out with the list
(assuming we find a host,) PLEASE send me mail at the address
given below.  If we do not find a suitable site, info-atari may cease
operations on August 28.  Thanks,

(the info-atari moderators)

		Ravi Subrahmanyan
		(919) 248-1452 (W)