[comp.sys.atari.st] More Enhancements for GCC library for Atari ST

piet@cs.ruu.nl (Piet van Oostrum) (07/11/89)

A colleague of mine put some code in crt0.s and memory.c  such that 
	_stksize = -1
means: Use most of the available memory, malloc from the bottom and put the
stack in the top. Don't use Malloc. This is very nice to use for cpp and
cc1 of the compiler. It allows me to compile most things on a 1MB ST. Often
with gulam, foldr100 and fatspeed loaded, otherwis with a minimal shell
that he wrote. 

Here are the diffs:

*** crt0.s.old	Mon Feb  6 14:39:15 1989
--- crt0.s	Fri Jun 23 14:48:57 1989
*** 21,26
  | uses Setvec() trap instead of Super()/mov/Super() to change the ae trap
  | stack now has initial size of 8k (up from 2)
  	.globl	__start
  	.globl	__exit

--- 21,34 -----
  | uses Setvec() trap instead of Super()/mov/Super() to change the ae trap
  | stack now has initial size of 8k (up from 2)
+ | Revision 1.2.1  89/02/06  AD (Atze Dijkstra)
+ | Changed malloc/stack mgt so stack is on top of heap
+ | and they will grow to each other.
+ | These will only be if __stksize == -1L
+ | See also memory.c
+ | 
+ | Revision 1.2.2  89/06/23 PvO (Piet van Oostrum)
+ | cleanup of ARGV environment variable.
  	.globl	__start
  	.globl	__exit
*** 26,31
  	.globl	__exit
  	.globl	__base
  	.globl	_environ
  	.globl	_main
  	.globl	_errno
  	.globl	__in_trap

--- 34,40 -----
  	.globl	__exit
  	.globl	__base
  	.globl	_environ
+ 	.globl	__heapbase		| AD
  	.globl	_main
  	.globl	_errno
  	.globl	__in_trap
*** 32,37
  	.comm	__base,4
  	.comm	__stksize,4
  	.comm	_environ,4
  	.comm	_errno,4
  	.comm	old_aet,4

--- 41,47 -----
  	.comm	__base,4
  	.comm	__stksize,4
+ 	.comm	__heapbase,4		| AD
  	.comm	_environ,4
  	.comm	_errno,4
  	.comm	old_aet,4
*** 74,82
  	bne	L1			|
  	cmpb	#0x3d, a4@+		|
  	bne	L1			|	{
! 	clrl	a3@-			|		*--s = 0;
! 	movl	a3, a2			|		argv = s + 2;
! 	addql	#0x4, a2		|
  	movl	a1, a0			|		
  	movl	a1, d3			|		argc = (&a1[1] - argv)
  	subl	a2, d3			|			/ sizeof(long);	

--- 84,93 -----
  	bne	L1			|
  	cmpb	#0x3d, a4@+		|
  	bne	L1			|	{
! 	clrb	a4@(-5)			| PvO		**s = 0;
! 	clrl	a3@-			| 		*--s = 0;
! 	movl	a3, a2			|		argv = s + 2
! 	addql	#0x4, a2		| 
  	movl	a1, a0			|		
  	movl	a1, d3			|		argc = (&a1[1] - argv)
  	subl	a2, d3			|			/ sizeof(long);	
*** 122,127
  	bra	L8
  	movl	a0, a3			| reserve = argv - __base;
  	subl	a5, a3
  	tstl	__stksize		| if (!__stksize)

--- 133,150 -----
  	bra	L8
+ 	cmpl	#0xFFFFFFFF, __stksize	| if ( __stksize == -1 )	| AD
+ 	bne	L30			|				| AD
+ 	movl	a0, __heapbase		| __heapbase = argv		| AD
+ 	movl	sp, a3			| __stksize = ( sp - argv -12K )| AD
+ 	subl	a0, a3							| AD
+ 	subl	#0x3000, a3		| no checks !!			| AD
+ 	movl	a3, __stksize						| AD
+ 	addl	a0, a3			| reserve = __stksize + argv	| AD
+ 	subl	a5, a3			|		- __base	| AD
+ 	bra	L31							| AD
+ L30:									| AD
+ 	movl	#0, __heapbase		| __heapbase = 0		| AD
  	movl	a0, a3			| reserve = argv - __base;
  	subl	a5, a3
  	tstl	__stksize		| if (!__stksize)
*** 128,133
  	bne	L13			|
  	movl	#0x2000, __stksize	|	__stksize = 8 * 1024;
  L13:	addl	__stksize, a3		| reserve += __stksize;
  	movl	a3, d1
  	addl	a5, d1			| compute stack top
  	andl	#-2, d1			| even boundry

--- 151,157 -----
  	bne	L13			|
  	movl	#0x2000, __stksize	|	__stksize = 8 * 1024;
  L13:	addl	__stksize, a3		| reserve += __stksize;
+ L31:									| AD
  	movl	a3, d1
  	addl	a5, d1			| compute stack top
  	andl	#-2, d1			| even boundry

*** memory.c.old	Mon Feb  6 15:31:27 1989
--- memory.c	Fri Jun 23 15:52:03 1989
*** 1,3
  /* malloc, free, realloc: dynamic memory allocation */

--- 1,10 -----
+ /* Changed 89/02/06, AD (Atze Dijkstra ) 
+    System request made dependant of _heapbase, init in crt0.s.
+    If != NULL, mem will not be requested via Malloc,
+    but heap and stack are contiguous and consume almost
+    all the free mem.
+    Corrected 23-Jun-1989 by Piet van Oostrum
+  */
  extern	char *		_heapbase ; 	/*AD, PvO*/
  extern	char *		_stksize ; 	/*AD, PvO*/
*** 1,4
  /* malloc, free, realloc: dynamic memory allocation */
  /* minimum chunk to ask OS for */

--- 6,14 -----
     Corrected 23-Jun-1989 by Piet van Oostrum
+ extern	char *		_heapbase ; 	/*AD, PvO*/
+ extern	char *		_stksize ; 	/*AD, PvO*/
  /* malloc, free, realloc: dynamic memory allocation */
  /* minimum chunk to ask OS for */
*** 16,21
  struct mem_chunk _mchunk_free_list = { NULL, 0 };
  char * malloc(n)
  unsigned n; 

--- 26,51 -----
  struct mem_chunk _mchunk_free_list = { NULL, 0 };
+ static char * HeapAlloc( sz )			/*AD, PvO*/
+   unsigned long sz ;				/*AD*/
+ {						/*AD*/
+   char slush [64];				/*PvO*/
+   register char* sp ;				/*AD, PvO*/
+ 						/*AD*/
+   sp = slush;					/*AD, PvO*/
+   if ( sp < _heapbase + sz )			/*AD, PvO*/
+   {						/*AD*/
+     return( NULL ) ;				/*AD*/
+   }						/*AD*/
+   sp = _heapbase ;				/*AD*/
+   _heapbase += sz ;				/*AD*/
+   _stksize -= sz ;				/*AD*/
+ 						/*AD*/
+   return( sp ) ;				/*AD*/
+ }						/*AD*/
  char * malloc(n)
  unsigned n; 
*** 58,64
  	sprintf(dbgbuf, "  sz %d -> ", sz);
! 	q = (struct mem_chunk * )trap_1_wlww(0x48, sz);
  	sprintf(dbgbuf, "%lx\r\n", q);

--- 88,97 -----
  	sprintf(dbgbuf, "  sz %d -> ", sz);
! 	if ( _heapbase )					/*AD*/
! 		q = (struct mem_chunk * )HeapAlloc( sz ) ;	/*AD*/
! 	else							/*AD*/
! 		q = (struct mem_chunk * )trap_1_wlww(0x48, sz);
  	sprintf(dbgbuf, "%lx\r\n", q);
Piet van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, University of Utrecht
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31-30-531806. piet@cs.ruu.nl (mcvax!hp4nl!ruuinf!piet)