[comp.sys.atari.st] International Software Catalog, updated?

TK0GRM1@NIU.BITNET (Gordon Meyer) (07/13/89)

A couple of years ago I purchased a thick book titles "Inter-
national ST Software Catalog."  It's published by Atari and
listed a ton of programs I knew nothing about.  It's been a big
help but It's out of date now.  (the date on the cover is Winter
1987)  Can anyone tell me if this has been updated?  I wrote to
Atari and asked but their reply said "the book in on revision B".
But the book I have says "rev.b" on the back cover.  What I really
need to know is the date on the cover.  (Winter 1988 perhaps?)
Before I write Atari for a clarification I thought I'd ask the
Thanks for any help...