[comp.sys.atari.st] Megafile 60 speed

swklassen@dahlia.waterloo.edu (Steven W. Klassen) (08/11/89)

A couple weeks ago I went out and purchased an Atari Megafile 60 hard
drive.  I was a little dissappointed when I read the specs and
discovered that the average seek time was only 61ms.  At that point
I decided to put up with the slow drive and purchase it anyway.

Just today I decided to run ratehd on it in order to find out how
slow it really was.  This program told me the drive had an average
seek time of 30ms.  I didn't believe this so I repeated the program
a few times with the same result.  Needless to say, I was pleased!

I am left with two questions, one for the authors of ratehd and one
for Atari.

1) Is this program at all accurate or should I not be comparing the 30ms
   result it gave me to the 61ms result in the hard drive docs?

2) Why is there this LARGE discrepancy between the docs and the drive?
   The model of this drive is SEA 5 065.  Is the drive I have some
   newer version?

Steven W. Klassen
Computer Science Major
University of Waterloo