[comp.sys.atari.st] frog drives and brinoulli boxes

depeche@QUICHE.CS.MCGILL.CA (Sam Alan EZUST) (08/16/89)

  I have a question about brinoulli boxes (sorry about the spelling).
  I hear that they are available for the atari. How much do they run for?
  Any recommended dealers of the thing in the Boston Area?
  My father owns an IOMEGA dual 10-meg hard disk drive which he used happily
  on his PCXT. Now that 10meg drives are obsolete on the PC, I was thinking
  of taking it and hooking it up to my 1040ST. Does anyone know how this
  can be done (i.e. what type of interface card do you need, where to getit,
  how much, and what software would I need to format the cartridges, etc etc).
  If this does not work out, I would like to get a fixed hard disk for my
  ST. Which one offers the most reliability for the price?
  One more question: If frog drives are so fragile and have the tendency
  to crash, while you never have to worry about brinoulli boxes
  (at demonstrations they drop the DRIVE on the ground from 3 feet high
  DURING disk accesses to demonstrate how tough they are. You get a
  read error abort retry or ignore message when it happens, type retry and
  the rest of the file loads without any problems!!) what is the advantage to
  a FROG drive (price? speed?)?

------------------------------S. Alan Ezust----------------------------------
|  aka  "Depeche Modem"            internet: depeche@quiche.cs.mcgill.ca    |
|   McGill University Computer Science   Montreal, Quebec, Canada           |
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