[comp.sys.atari.st] A coupla queries

gjh@otter.hpl.hp.com (Graham Higgins) (09/19/89)

Two queries ---

1. Has anyone managed to get TeX running under MWC's msh? 
   PATH, TEX* variables ste correctly, but msh doesn't
   offer 'alias latex a:\tex\tex.ttp &lplain'. When TeX is 
   called with &lplain on the command line, TeX doesn't 
   appear to be able to locate lplain.fmt. 

   Any suggestions (staying with msh, preferably - gulam 
   works OK but ain't preferred in this instance).

2. Is there ---
 	a) An ST fix

	b) A PC fix
   for the ST-write, PC-noread problem of TOS->MSDOS file transfers?
   I understand that there's just one byte which gives the PCs problems - is
   there an easy fix? (i.e. is it a fixed value byte which can be munged
   with s/ware, or does it take on different values).


Graham Higgins             	|  Phone: (0272) 799910 x 24060
Hewlett-Packard Labs    	|  gray@hpl.hp.co.uk
Bristol                       	|  gray%hplb.uucp@ukc.ac.uk
U.K.                          	|  gray@hplb.hpl.hp.com