[comp.sys.atari.st] 1040 memory expansion

ralph@lasso.UUCP (09/01/88)

I once asked a question concerning this subject, but no one on the net
answered.  Is this because it's not worth it to expand the memory
versus buying a Mega-2 or Mega-4?  Or is it because I posted my
question during the summer vacation period?  Anyhow, now I would like
to know if any company/person is thinking about putting one megabyte
SIMMs (like those used in Sun 3/60's and Sun-4's) into an Atari
(especially 1040)?  Seeing their small size, they and their control
chips might fit into a machine w/o cutting a hole (:-% - inquisitive,
yet innocent).  As always, reply directly if possible, or to
Info-Atari16 Digest (comp.sys.atari) since I have no access to `news'. ;-{

Ralph P. Sobek                 | UUCP:  uunet!mcvax!inria!lasso!ralph,    or
                               |        ralph@lasso.uucp
LAAS-CNRS                      | Internet:  ralph@laas.laas.fr,    or
7, avenue du Colonel-Roche     |            ralph%laas.laas.fr@uunet.UU.NET
F-31077 Toulouse Cedex, FRANCE | ARPA:   sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU (forwarded\
+(33) 61-33-62-66              | BITNET/EARN:  SOBEK@FRMOP11        \ to UUCP )

brazil@pawl.rpi.edu (Timothy E. Onders) (09/28/89)

Speaking of memory expansion, I have the instructions to upgrade a 1040 ST
to 2.5 megs without an expansion board if anyone wants them. It's nice
not having to worry about cables or fitting things.
