[comp.sys.atari.st] 850 interfaces and modems

clf3678@ultb.UUCP (C.L. Freemesser) (10/05/89)

I've posted this before, but now that I finally have some power supplies
for the following items, I'll post it again:

850 interfaces for sale - includes power supply.  Reconditioned units,
                          fully tested.  Does not include SIO cable. $45

Avatex 1200 modem - fully tested, reconditioned.  Includes power supply.
                    these are not the 1200hc modems.  $40

You should include $5 per item for shipping.

Also available:  850 -> modem cable for the 850.  About 3.5 feet long.

If interested, leave me a message via any of the addresses listed below,
or call my BBS.  I prefer that you NOT leave a message via Usenet E-mail
(if possible) because the school's system isn't set up right, and I have
great difficulty getting a reply through.  However, if you don't have 
the alternative, leave message here.

Chris Freemesser, Rochester Institute of Technology | What I like :
BITNET: %clf3678@RITVAX   GEnie: C.FREEMESSER       | 1) My Atari ST
USENET: Just reply and hope it gets through         | 2) My '77 Mercury
Call the ACORN BBS (716)436-3078, 300/1200 baud     | 3) Coke Classic