kar7481@cuphub.cup.edu (Dan Karbowsky;AtariEliteOfPghPa bbs412-384-5609) (10/08/89)
Well, 2 weeks have gone by since the ORIGINAL request for information regarding ATARI prices/products has gone out. Since then, replies have been received from: USA: Arkansas Univ. Columbia Business School, NYC Cupertino, CA Michigan and a few other states..... EUROPE: Norway Sweden France England Switzerland The Netherlands and a few others that escape me now (3:05am)... I would * R E A L L Y * like to hear from some ST owners/users in Soviet-bloc countries if there exist any!!! In the meantime, I STILL WANT TO HEAR FROM SOME MORE ST USERS!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Also, if ANYONE has ANY information on ANYONE ELSE who programs in the S.T.O.S. programming language for the ST, please send me E*mail!!! ======================================================================= Ever notice how EVERYONE seems to enjoy using multiple exclamation points :-} +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dan Karbowsky kar7481@pitt!cuphub / //===============/ | | 102 Lee Drive ____________________/ / / // // | | Belle Vernon, PA / _____________________ _/_ /_ __ //====// // | | 15012 U.S.A. / /__ __ __ __ _ / / / //_/ // // !!!!! | |_________________/ ___//_//_//_//_// / /_ / //_ -====// // | | / / | | Call the ATARI ELITE of PITTSBURGH'S BBS (Forem-ST,fnet node 19) | | at (412) 384-5609 at 300 thru 19.2k baud 24 hrs./day 7-days/week | | and see why we are the ATARI ELITE!!! Mention this message at logon. | |*note: UUCP site used is located at California U. of PA,California,PA. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+