[comp.sys.atari.st] what to do with changed vectors on changing resolution

me@dude.pcs.com (Michael Elbel) (10/20/89)

I have the following problem:

An accessory I wrote changes the mouse input vector for a mouse speeder.
It saves the old vector, takes the mouse movement, mangles the data
and passes them on.

So far so good, you even can uninstall it.

But if I change resolutions in color mode (e.g. low rez -> medium rez),
the acc gets loaded again and has no way to detect, that it had already
been started (at least not if I don't check for the system dependent 
value of the old vec). 
So the machine hangs when it tries to install itself again with the 
already changed vector - it points to a piece of code that got removed 
on changing the rez. (or am I wrong in that ?)

If I remove the acc before switching the resolutions, everything is ok,
but there should be a way to do it more elegant.

So my question is: What do other accessories, that change system vectors
		   in that case ?
Christian Siebert - me@dude.PCS.COM for the World, me@dude.PCS.DE for Europe