[comp.sys.atari.st] For Sale: 1 Meg M/IO for Atari 8-bits

parsons@b.ee.engr.uky.edu (Greg Parsons) (10/30/89)

For Sale:
     1 Meg Multi Input/Output Board from ICD


       o 1 Megabyte of Memory configurable as RamDisks or Printer
       o Parallel Printer Port

       o RS-232 Serial Port

       o Small Computers Systems Interface (SCSI) for connecting Hard

       o Expansion Connector

     Also included is an adapter for a 130XE.  This also gives you
two cartridge ports instead of one.

     Price:  $300 for both.  You pay shipping.

     ICD currently sells this for $469.95, no discounts, and that 
doesn't include the $19.95 adapter.

     I can be reached at (606)276-3375.  If I'm not here the answering
machine is.  My address is:
                        Greg Parsons
                        222 1/2 Reed Lane
                        Lexington, KY  40503

Born with a stearing wheel in my hand, and lead in my feet!
The small furry one... Rat
All statements belong to someone, who I'm not quite sure.....