[comp.sys.atari.st] Weird Spectre GCR problem

rob@hhb.UUCP (Robert R Stegmann) (10/31/89)

[This space intentionally not blank.]

I, too, have finally received my GCR!
However, I have encountered a weird problem.
Has this happened to anyone; can anyone suggest a fix?

I bought Zork Zero for the Mac - 512K RAM required, DS disk.
Tried it on a real Mac - no problems - starts right up.
When I plug it into my Atari, the GCR successfully reads it and opens a
window displaying the file icons - an executable, the usual story.dat, and
two other files: Pic.data and Cpic.data (This Infocom game has some graphics!).

BUT when I double click on the program, it gets as far as displaying an
empty Zork Zero window and a menu bar, then the disk gronks for awhile,
then the Mac desktop re-appears!  No error message from either Mac or Spectre!

What is going on?

The disk is NOT copy protected, and I can copy all its files on a real Mac.
However, when I try to copy the files under Spectre, I am told that the
pic.data files cannot be read.  Why are the other files readable but those not?

I saw a compatibility list that included Zork Zero.  What am I doing wrong?

Here's the setup:

I have a 520 upgraded to 1Mb, with a Diverse Data Products MFD 1440 paired
DS drive unit - I ran speed.prg - both A: and B: check out to 300 RPM exactly.
I have pre-1.4 TOS on ROM. Atari mono monitor. 128K Mac ROMS. GCR last in chain.
I am running Spectre 2.3 with the factory settings: 832K, no cache, alt video,
no sound.  I have tried booting Mac mode with 5.4/3.2 and 6.0/4.2, and I have
turned sound off from the control panel before starting Zork Zero.
No HD20, No MacBeep, No ramdisk, no nothing.

Note: I ALSO had the same problem trying to create a magic disk using the
Translator One under Spectre 128 - it told me the picture data files couldn't
be read.

I would appreciate any help.  Thanks in advance.


Robert Stegmann
Disclaimer, Datclaimer, D'udderclaimer.