jackin@utacs.UTA.FI (Markku M{enp{{) (11/09/89)
I thought I mailed this once allready, but I am not sure if it got through. Here it is anyway. In ST-Magazin 11/89 were two PC-emulators compared : PC-SPEED and SUPERCHARGER. ******************************** SuperCharger ---------------- - NEC V-30 at 8 Mhz - 512 Kbyte ram (max. 1024 Kb) - socket for 8087 - CGA-emulation (only this, no herc.) - MS-DOS 4.01 included (on two 3.5`` disks) - supports ST-mouse fully - supports also SLM 804 ! - '' harddisks (AHDI-compatib.) - connects to DMA (external housing, size of an Atari 3.5'' Drive) - two DMA-ports (one for ST, the other for HD, SLM etc.) - reset switch (on the front of housing) - you can flip between ST/PC via hotkey - Norton SI 4.2 - price 798 DM (about 380 USD) Beta Systems Computer AG Stauenfenstrasse 42 6000 Frankfurt West-Germany ( tel. 069/1700040) Reviewers found out that SuperCharger is very compatible. Among tested programs were dbase 3 +, Flight Simulator 3, all Larrys, 1-2-3, MS-windows, Norton Utilities 4.0,Turbo-Basic, -Pascal 3.0 & 4.0, -C 1.0, Psion Chess. All except two games (ChessMaster 2000 and some other) worked. PC-SPEED ------------- - NEC V-30 at 8 Mhz - uses ST-ram (1 Meg ST ;704 Kb free ram + 64 Kb EMS) - no socket for 8087 - CGA, Herc, Olivetti - emulation (with Hyperscreen FULL Herc-screen) - no MS-DOS included - supports harddisks (AHDI, ICD - compatib.) - goes inside ST - Norton SI 4.0 - price 598 DM (about 326 USD) Sack Electronic Bleichstrasse 49 4792 Bad Lippspringe West-Germany (tel. 05252/4290) PC-SPEED runs about the same programs as SuperCharger (MS-windows failed). It has more trouble with protected programs (mostly games) because it's floppydisk-driver isn't as good as SpeedCharger's. Mouse support ain't that good either. But Graphics emulation is better. No idea how much free ram with 2 Meg, propably no more than with 1 Meg (they didn't say). ************************************ Thought you might be interested. These are availiable in West-Germany now. By the way why don't you folks in USA get ST-stuff from Europe. There is various ways to achieve this ( mail is one :-). After all I usually buy my stuff from the USA (and England and Germany). ___________________________________________________________ ! Markku M{enp{{ ! University of Tampere (in Finland), CS ! ___________________________________________________________