[comp.sys.atari.st] STE/4096


I've got a question I feel Ken at Atari can answer..I remember a company
somewhere(I dont remember the name) released an inexpensive 4096 color board
for all ST's..if we installed this board,would we be compatable with the STE's
enhanced graphic modes?  Could some developer design an upgrade for stereo sound?  Or is atary using some proprietary sound chip??? 
enhanced graphic modes?  Could some developer design an upgrade for stereo sound?  Or is atary using some proprietary sound chip??? 


pa1323@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (Some call me...Tim) (11/14/89)

In article <8911130802.AA09913@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> V053QHYX@UBVMSC.CC.BUFFALO.EDU writes:
>I've got a question I feel Ken at Atari can answer..I remember a company
>somewhere(I dont remember the name) released an inexpensive 4096 color board
>for all ST's..if we installed this board,would we be compatable with the STE's
>enhanced graphic modes? ....

The JRI 4096 color board was designed specifically to be compatible
with the STE and TT method of handling the extra colors, so the
enhanced color palette can be used on your ST, but only programs
that didn't try to take advantage of the STE hardware scrolling or
the TT extra graphic modes would work if you had only the JRI

Tim Mensch.