SOFPJF@UOGUELPH.BITNET (Peter Jaspers-Fayer) (11/17/89)
The BITNET-addressable list that contains the binaries posted in INFO-ATARI16 (very few these days, more on that later), is being moved to LISTSERV@UOGUELPH. The CANADA01 node has been moved to University of Toronto. I started PROG-A16 2 or 3 years ago to archive binaries posted to the discussion list. It has served a purpose during a time that we were all very hungry for programs. The binaries are no longer being posted, and I guess I'm not as 'hungry' as I ued to be. I used to put UniTerm on it whenever Simon sent me a copy, and I had a few other 'feeds', but lately I've been rather lax about keeping new programs up on the server (sorry). There have been other BITNET-addressable servers around, but they were either sparse (SILMARIL@FINHUTC) or 'wierd' (ATARINET in Texas, that only listens to 'messages', which is OK for people directly on BITNET, but only if all nodes between you were 'up'). Lately, of course, there's the excellent Panarthea (Thanks SG!), which is a complete 'mirror' of the mysterious (to us RSCS'ers) I see little future in keeping PROG-A16 running, unless it is as an 'echo repeater' for Panarthea. (I've lost Steve's address, so I hope the rest of you don't mind a small personal here...) Steve, If you read this, what do you think of this idea? It would offload your machine somewhat, but I have no idea how busy it is. I could set up the server so that it archives all files you send to PROG-A16@UOGUELPH. For the rest of you: Any comments? Please reply direct (I repeat:) Please reply direct: SOFPJF@UOGUELPH.BITNET or SofPJF@VM.UoGuelph.CA