[comp.sys.atari.st] Invoking Cartridges

R.D.Chafer@sysc.salford.ac.UK (11/20/89)

Dears Netters,
Is their a legal way of running programs on cartridge. The desktop does
this but it has inside information. Cartridges have a parameter block
at their base, will I have to use this or is their a proper way.
               Robert Chafer
From:  Robert Chafer
    Computing Centre             Telephone: +44 61 736 5843 x 672 or x7328,
    University of Salford,
    Salford M5 4WT
    JANET:   chafer @ uk.ac.salford.sysc
    ARPANET: chafer%uk.ac.salford.sysc @ nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk
    BITNET:  chafer%uk.ac.salford.sysc @ uk.ac
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