[comp.sys.atari.st] For Sale:520ST RGB & Software $475

rona@hpdml93.HP.COM (Ron Abramson) (11/29/89)

    I've decided to sell my 2nd Atari system.  I already have a
    1040 system and bought this one for my wife.  Unfortunately,
    she hasn't shown a lot of interest.


     Atari 520ST  1/2 Meg of memory
     Atari RGB Color monitor
     Atari Single Sided 3.5" floppy drive
For $50 more I'll add:
     Star Gemini 10X Printer (sorry, I can't include the 
			      cable as I upgraded my printer
			      and never bought another)


     1st Word (Easy to use Word Processor)
     ST Basic
     VIP Professional (Lotus 1-2-3 Clone)
     DEGAS (Color Drawing Program)
     Top Gun (fly around, shoot 'em up game)

     2 disks of Ron's favorite PD software
       (or YOUR favorites if you know what
	you want, I probably have it!)

    $475 Takes all.  Add $50 if you want the printer.
    I will consider any reasonable offer.

		  email: rona@hpdml92.HP.COM
		  phone: 1-208-323-4293 (days)
			       377-9021 (nights)