[comp.sys.atari.st] INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #725


>The file `atari.mf' is packed with the various previewer packages that
>we've distributed.  Its purpose is to provide those with metafont, the
>setup information required to generate the screen fonts.  It is not a
>TeX/LaTeX file.  Apparently, metafont is available for the ST series.
>       Tyler

Metafont for the ST is FTPable from terminator.cc.umich.edu
I've used it.  It takes a long time to generate fonts on the
ST, but you can set up a batch file in GULAM to run for a
couple of days to generate all the standard TeX and LaTeX
fonts you'll need or you can use the atari.mf on a bigger
box the has metafont available.  I ran it on our VM/CMS
system here.

                        Brian Holmes
                        UCC Operating Systems & Communications

PHONE:    (313) 577-3750  FAX=577-5626          Wayne State University
BITNET:   BHOLMES@WAYNEST1                      5925 Woodward
INTERNET: Brian_Holmes@UM.CC.UMICH.EDU          Detroit, MI 48202  U.S.A