[comp.sys.atari.st] FOR SALE Atari 1040ST/Spectre 128 package $875

daved@cscnj.csc.COM (Dave Douglass) (11/21/89)

[Okay, okay.  I'll ship COD cash or certified check.]

Atari 1040ST/Spectre 128 System Package          $875 firm

   1040STFM without RF modulator, TOS 1.2
     1meg  DS/DD 720K drive  mouse  original box & manuals
   Z-time internal battery-backed clock (installed)
   Atari ST Monochrome monitor
     original box & manuals
   Monitor Master (color/mono monitor select switch)
   Custom cable for Multisync monitor
   External speaker 
     (most multisync monitors have no speaker)
   Spectre 128 Macintosh emulator cartridge w/128K ROMs
     original disks/boxes/manuals
   Translator One floppy disk controller
     (reads MFS Macintosh disks in ST drives)
   1200 baud dumb modem
     (government surplus; manual; needs RS232 cable)

   Atari ST
     ST Basic/ST Logo/1st Word wordprocessor  (came bundled with ST)
     5 disks of PD software (C compiler, assembler, terminal program, more)
     Games  (all original disks/boxes/manuals)
       Beyond Zork  (Infocom)
       SpellBreaker  (Infocom)
       Plundered Hearts  (Infocom)
       King's Quest I
       Phantasie I
       The Bard's Tale I
       Dungeon Master
     Microsoft Word 3.01  (original box/disks/manuals)
       original disks have been pre-converted to Spectre format
     Epstart Epson printer drivers
     5 disks of PD software (ramdisk, DAs, fonts, games, sounds, more)
   Abacus ST Internals
   Abacus GEM Programmer's Reference
   Inside Macintosh 
     (ancient edition in original Apple 3-ring binders)
   30 issues of ST-log magazine
     (from the original issue thru about March 1989)
   Reams of printout from BBSes containing Atari technical information
     (I collected do-it-yourself hardware modification articles, like
      adding disk drives, attaching multisync monitors, expanding
      memory, detaching the keyboard, etc.)


   $875 postage paid

   I will not consider selling anything separately.  Please do not ask.

   In Northern/Central Jersey, you can pick everything up or we can
   arrange a meeting in some reasonable equidistant location.
   Otherwise, I am willing to ship UPS COD cash or certified check.

   (201) 981-9119 x6417  business hours EST
   (201) 704-1461 evenings
Dave Douglass  Computer Sciences Corporation  Piscataway, NJ  08854

psurge@cs.utexas.edu (Troy Carpenter) (12/03/89)

Dave, A message to you bounced, so I couldn't send you a message.

I want to know if the system you advertised is still available.  I have 
a friend who might wanna buy.  Please send me mail and let me know.

Thanks, Troy Carpenter
Computer Sciences, THE University of Texas, Austin